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Where Does a Dragon Dei and Rise Again

Ender Dragon
Ender Dragon (Epitome credit: Mojang)

You've built a magnificent construction that towers into the sky. You've mined an intricate network of tunnels and caves into the footing beneath. You've conquered the Nether and summoned the ominous wither. Every challenge Minecraft has thrown at you, you've handled with ataraxy, absurd equally a cucumber. Except for one thing. You haven't found the ender dragon and browbeaten it. He lurks in the Terminate, awaiting your arrival. Here's how to get there and testify him why you lot're feared by all zombies in Minecraft.

How exercise yous prepare for the fight?

The ender dragon and his crystals

Source: Windows Key (Prototype credit: Source: Windows Central)

The ender dragon is arguably the well-nigh harrowing challenge you'll face in Minecraft, and then doing your due diligence and properly preparing for the confrontation is endlessly important. What's more, when y'all get to the Terminate you must defeat the ender dragon or die. There is no pick to run away, to live to fight another 24-hour interval. When you come confront to face up with the dragon, you lot take to be ready to win. Hither's our suggestions for coming out on top:

  • Diamond level armor. The ender dragon is capable of dealing out insane amounts of damage, and you might find yourself falling long distances to an unforgiving ground. Simply the all-time in protection volition do.
  • Diamond sword/trident. You lot'll need a melee weapon that deals big amounts of damage. A diamond sword is preferred, but a trident will do the fob equally well.
  • Bow/crossbow. A ranged weapon is paramount to taking downwards the ender dragon, as it spends much of its time flying around.
  • All the arrows. Bring many, many arrows. Enchanting your bow with Infinite would be best, if possible, so only one arrow would exist needed.
  • Diamond pickaxe. You'll need a fast pickaxe to navigate around the battlefield and destroy something very precious to the ender dragon.
  • Aureate apples. Crafted past covering a normal apple with gold ingots, golden apples requite you regenerative wellness besides as a decent buffer of harm resistance to absorb a few incoming blows. Incredibly useful, and replaces nutrient in a pinch.
  • Potions. Potions with status effects like toxicant and damage won't help you here, only potions that give you perks similar regenerative health and stronger attacks are perfect for taking on the ender dragon.
  • Lots of edifice blocks. Mining a ton of end stone right later you get in in the Terminate and earlier y'all engage with the ender dragon is probable the all-time choice, since it resists the ender dragon's destructive power at least in part.

The reasons for a lot of this will become more evident in the futurity, only there'south one more than matter that'south basically a necessity earlier fighting the ender dragon: enchantments. Protection enchantments on all of your armor, too as damage increasing enchantments similar Sharpness for your sword and Power for your Bow, are all great things to have. I as well recommend enchanting your boots with Feather Falling, as information technology's very likely you'll be knocked down from one of the obsidian pillars that surround the ender dragon's lair.

When you lot're considering what to bring when fighting the ender dragon, imagine your Minecraft character at their strongest possible self. That's basically what you want. But of class, preparing to fight the ender dragon means nothing if you lot tin't find them.

How do you get to the ender dragon?

The dark abyss of the End Portal

Source: Windows Central (Paradigm credit: Source: Windows Central)

Getting to the Cease isn't as simple equally building a Under portal in your basement and leaping back and forth. It's a journey y'all have to take, with a lot of steps along the way and a lot of ingredients.

More importantly, it's a commitment. Once you cantankerous the threshold dividing the Overworld and the Finish, there is no turning back. The merely way to exit is to either defeat the ender dragon or to die and exist sent back to the last place you the toll of everything y'all were carrying. Whether or not yous think the risk is worth it, the decision is a big i.

Fortunately, finding the End Portal and activating information technology is equally simple as post-obit our guide.

How exercise you defeat the ender dragon?

Ender dragon being healed

Source: Windows Key (Prototype credit: Source: Windows Fundamental)

Nosotros're finally here, and the ender dragon is flying around in the distance. And then how exercise you lot bring it to the ground? Well, it'due south essential to know non only what it does, but what strategies you can employ against the ender dragon in battle. There also happens to be a not-and so-hush-hush trick to dramatically weakening the ender dragon, if you're willing to risk the peril.

To beat out the ender dragon, y'all'll need to know how it behaves, how it attacks, what abilities information technology has, and what strategies y'all can employ to defeat it. It's a lot to cover, so let's jump right into it.

What the ender dragon does

He's perching

Source: Windows Fundamental (Prototype credit: Source: Windows Central)

Beginning off, here are the unlike behaviors the ender dragon will exhibit:

  • Circling. The ender dragon will spend the vast majority of its fourth dimension circling the giant obsidian pillars that dominate the heart island in the Terminate. This is the dragon's default state when it isn't actively attacking something.
  • Diving. Occasionally the ender dragon may choose to swoop straight at the player for a close-gainsay attack. Subsequently, the ender dragon will resume its graceful circumvolve.
  • Perching. The ender dragon may state on top of the middle finish portal structure built out of bedrock. While the ender dragon is perched on top of the fountain-like structure, it will target whatever players nearby and utilize a breath attack on them. It may also launch itself off the perch and charge headfirst at the player. After a while, or afterward taking a certain amount of harm, it'll accept off and brainstorm circling once more.
  • Strafing. After one of its finish crystals are destroyed, the ender dragon will immediately change directions towards the histrion responsible and launch a fireball.

The ender dragon has three principal attacks that you need to watch out for when yous're upwardly against it:

  • Physical attacks. These attacks are fast and aren't easily dodgeable, but are a perfect opportunity to get one or 2 hits with your sword equally the ender dragon comes in and flies abroad. It's of import to go along moving and brand sure your health is up.
  • Fireballs. These fireballs are completely unlike than those fired by ghast or bonfire. They cannot be deflected back at the ender dragon, and they exercise non deal explosive damage. Instead, they leave behind pasty pools of royal liquid that deal damage to anyone who walks through information technology, similar to a lingering potion of damage. This liquid can be collected into an empty glass canteen to make dragon'south breath.
  • Breath set on. Whenever the ender dragon perches on peak of the cease portal structure, it volition burn down off repeated jiff attacks that last for 3-seconds each. These breath attacks also bargain lingering damage similar to a fireball, and the particles emitted by them tin also be collected into empty glass bottles to make dragon's breath.

Finally, here are the unlike abilities and buffs the ender dragon has making it even more challenging to get upward against it:

  • The ender dragon destroys all blocks in its style. The ender dragon will demolish any blocks any in its path, except blocks that are naturally spawned in the End: end stone, obsidian, boulder, iron bars, and the finish portal. For this reason, mining a ton of end rock before you fight the ender dragon is never a bad idea.
  • The ender dragon has a massive amount of wellness. A royal health bar will be displayed at the top of the role player'due south screen representing the ender dragon's health. The ender dragon has a ton of health and will accept a ton of hits before going down.
  • The ender dragon is healed forth the way. On top of the iv obsidian pillars surrounding the finish portal structure sits end crystals. These terminate crystals actually heal the ender dragon from a distance while it flies around, making dissentious the brute even more than difficult. These end crystals are ordinarily protected by fe bar cages.
  • The ender dragon is immune to arrows while perched. Whenever the ender dragon sits on top of the end portal structure, one might assume that it would exist a perfect opportunity to launch a flurry of arrows at it. Nevertheless, any arrows fired at the ender dragon while it'south perched take hold of fire and are immediately deflected.
  • The ender dragon is immune to a lot of assault types. The ender dragon only takes impairment from explosions and from the histrion. Status effects like poison and instant harm don't exercise anything, it is allowed to burn, and suffocation and crushing are useless since the ender dragon destroys almost all cake types.

How to deal with the finish crystals

An end crystal up close

Source: Windows Key (Image credit: Source: Windows Central)

Once yous're intimately familiar with what the ender dragon can do, yous're prepare to defeat it in one case and for all. When fighting, it's important to know how to attack, when to assault, and what to set on. If you proceed your head and focus on your objective, the ender dragon will fall in no time. At that place's definitely an guild to go in as well.

First off, destroy the stop crystals. These end crystals spawn on top of towering obsidian obelisks surrounding the center end portal structure, and they actively heal the ender dragon while information technology flies effectually. Attempting to kill the ender dragon while these end crystals are agile is significantly more than difficult, and letting upward for a single moment tin can disengage all the difficult work you've put in. This makes the end crystals the about important single attribute of your battle with the ender dragon.

Fortunately, destroying the end crystals isn't terribly difficult. End crystals are vulnerable to all forms of assault, including a unmarried shot from a bow. If y'all're a gifted archer, yous could potentially take down all of the end crystals surrounding the ender dragon without ever having to get near to them. Many of the end crystals may be protected by a cage of atomic number 26 bars, so in that example, you'll take to scale their obsidian perches to excavate them. Here'due south how to approach the terminate crystals:

  • Found out how many in that location are, and where they are. In that location will be multiple cease crystals, but it helps to know exactly how many y'all need to accept down, and where they're going to exist.
  • Plot a path to destroy them. The end crystals all have a set range in which they tin heal the ender dragon, so taking out one every so often doesn't help if the next closest end crystal can reach the aforementioned task. Selection ane end crystal and move immediately to the next closest.
  • See if any finish crystals are unprotected anywhere. The end crystals that have picayune to no protection will be the easiest to destroy. Simply launching an arrow in their management is enough to take it downwards.
  • Apply stop rock towers to scale the obsidian pillars. Stop stone tin can't be easily destroyed by the ender dragon, so information technology's the perfect substance to climb up to the end crystals.
  • Exist quick, and decisive. When you're climbing, the ender dragon may effort and knock y'all off in diverse ways. Be fast and don't stick around for too long when you've accomplished your chore. Having Feather Falling on your boots helps a lot if the worst should happen.
  • Destroy the iron cages, but be conscientious around the terminate crystal. When you do get to the top of a tower, make sure and mine the iron muzzle surrounding the end crystal, merely it may be best non to directly mine the end crystal. End crystals explode with more than power than TNT whenever they're damaged, so you lot don't want to be standing adjacent to them.
  • The bow is your best friend. Using the bow is easily the best manner of handling the end crystals since information technology lets y'all get a little distance on them.
  • Employ end stone to your advantage. If you're at the superlative of the belfry, climbing all the mode down only to discover a skillful vantage point to destroy the finish crystal doesn't make a ton of sense. Instead, build a platform out of end stone a safe distance from the terminate crystal. End stone is highly resistive to explosions, so it should withstand the penalty.
  • Fourth dimension your destruction. The ender dragon is reasonably predictable in their flight pattern, so fourth dimension the devastation of the finish crystals to correspond when they're healing the ender dragon. End crystals that are destroyed while agile deal a pretty decent amount of impairment to the ender dragon.
  • Don't forget well-nigh the ender dragon. Don't focus exclusively on the end crystals. Launch a couple of arrows at the ender dragon between every action, to set up for damaging it when y'all destroy the next stop crystal.
  • Don't stay on the towers for long. Once the stop crystal is destroyed, make your mode downwards from the obsidian tower equally quickly and safely equally possible. The ender dragon won't hesitate to make your life difficult if you goof off.
  • Avoid the fireballs. The ender dragon volition immediately shift towards yous and launch a fireball at you lot whenever an finish crystal is destroyed. Watch out for these and avoid the baneful pools of ooze left behind.

How to cease the ender dragon

Another shot of the ender dragon

Source: Windows Central (Paradigm credit: Source: Windows Primal)

Once the end crystals are all destroyed, the battle with the ender dragon is a fair deal easier. At present you can focus all your efforts on it, content in the knowledge that the ender dragon has no more backup, and any wellness you accept is gone for good. More than that, at this betoken, the ender dragon should already be hurting if y'all timed your attacks correctly. At this bespeak in the battle, there are three strategies to employ:

  • Stay mobile. The ender dragon'south attacks focus on your position when information technology begins the attack, so continuously moving will brand information technology difficult for the ender dragon to lock on. It too makes information technology easier for you to avoid the lingering pools of regal goo that the ender dragon leaves backside.
  • Use your bow. There's no indicate swinging a sword around in the air for ten minutes while the ender dragon is flying off into the distance. The bow lets you put in a lot of damage, and is your near effective weapon in almost every state of affairs. Almost.
  • Use your sword. The only fourth dimension the bow is not a great weapon is when the ender dragon perches on the heart end portal structure. If this happens, all arrows simply bounce off and take no effect. Now it's time to utilise your sword and go in close. Be wary: the ender dragon will launch breath attacks equally well as charge at yous, so staying mobile is extra important. If you're the cautious type, just expect, and the ender dragon will eventually launch into the air again.

Fighting the ender dragon is as simple every bit playing it smart. Take down the ender dragon's support commencement, avoid getting into squabbles with endermen, and confuse the ender dragon by maneuvering constantly. Continue your caput on your shoulders, and the ender dragon won't be able to bite information technology off.

The ender dragon exploding

Source: Windows Central (Image credit: Source: Windows Central)

Once the ender dragon is defeated, it will fly directly above the heart stop portal structure and swoop towards the ground as it falls autonomously. It'll explode into a positively massive amount of experience points (more whatsoever other single source tin provide) that can take y'all as loftier as level 78. That'due south a lot of enchanting. Then the End Portal will actuate, allowing you to return habitation.

Y'all're costless to explore the End as much as you lot want later this, simply once the ender dragon is defeated, yous can get to and from the End as y'all delight using the End Portal. Yous might as well observe that a black and purple egg rests on elevation of the End Portal's construction, signifying the possibility of reviving the ender dragon and facing it once over again. The ender dragon egg is also the single rarest item in the entire game, making it a valuable bays.

In one case you depart from the End for the first time through the newly activated Finish Portal, Minecraft'southward credits volition offset rolling. Another valuable feel gained from defeating the ender dragon.

How do you lot re-summon the ender dragon?

I gotta get out

Source: Windows Central (Image credit: Source: Windows Central)

If you wish to go through all of this again, you lot can actually re-summon the ender dragon and battle confronting it multiple times. It'southward a little bit of work to do it, but no more finding and fighting the ender dragon the first time. The rewards aren't as keen, but this is bully if you're looking for an boosted challenge in the belatedly game in Minecraft. The ender dragon never fails to exist an entertaining battle.

To re-summon the ender dragon, yous'll need the post-obit:

  • 28 blocks of glass. You can create glass by smelting sand in a furnace, making this the easiest of the ingredients to larn.
  • four eyes of ender. Optics of ender are harder to go, combining bonfire powder and an ender pearl in a crafting tabular array. So again, you lot're very likely familiar with this later defeating the ender dragon the starting time time.
  • 4 ghast tears. Ghast tears are semi-rare drops collected from killing ghasts in the Nether. Using a sword enchanted with Looting increases your chances of getting them.

To re-summon the ender dragon, do the following:

  1. Make sure you have all your ingredients. The first step is creating new end crystals, requiring the same ingredients.

Source: Windows Central (Epitome credit: Source: Windows Central)
  1. Combine your ingredients. Find a crafting tabular array to combine your ingredients as shown above. It doesn't affair where you create them.
  2. Travel to the End. One time you take your end crystals, you lot need to go to the End to re-summon the ender dragon.

Source: Windows Central (Image credit: Source: Windows Central)
  1. Place the end crystals around the Finish Portal. Go to the Cease Portal in the centre of the End and place an end crystal on each side of it.
  2. Summon the ender dragon! Once the end crystals are placed, the height of every obsidian pillar will explode, destroying any blocks players may have placed. The ender dragon will exist respawned, equally well as the original terminate crystals. Finally, the new cease crystals will explode.

Yous can re-summon and fight the ender dragon as many times every bit you want, equally long equally you arts and crafts new end crystals. Re-summoned ender dragons simply requite a fraction of the experience points, and none of them will spawn any more ender dragon eggs, so the rewards aren't as bang-up. Only if you're looking for a fun fight, look no further.

The aftermath of the war

Taking down end crystals

Source: Windows Fundamental (Epitome credit: Source: Windows Cardinal)

You've done information technology. You lot've browbeaten the venerable ender dragon, and gained the title Lord of Minecraft! That championship doesn't really exist, simply it'due south pretty absurd yet. The ender dragon is the closest thing Minecraft has to a final boss, and it is a pretty big moment for anyone playing through Minecraft in Survival. What'due south after that? Perchance taking on the wither and the ender dragon at the same fourth dimension.

Take you defeated the ender dragon? How did y'all do it? Sound off in the comments below!

Zachary Boddy

Zachary Boddy is the Minecraft Expert and a News Writer for Windows Central, Android Primal, and iMore. They have been gaming and writing for well-nigh of their life, and have been freelancing for Windows Central and its sister sites since 2019, with a focus on Xbox and PC gaming. Y'all tin find Zachary on Twitter @BoddyZachary.
